Comments about society's problems


Here are some comments about our overworked, stressed out society.

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Working too much is the root cause of most evil, juvenile delinquents, drug use, broken families, ulcers, broken marriages, maybe even cancer.   Show me the way to reduce the demands of my job and I'll support you. Julie


Job stress caused my depression which ruined my marriage, now taking care of the baby and working too is really depressing me, but maybe getting mad is better than getting depressed.  Ginny


We're supposed to be the richest nation in the world. Political parties should recognize that what we need is shorter work weeks and more vacation. I'd vote for anyone who promised that. Instead, we get safety rules, but stress from overwork causes more deaths than rotten working conditions. Dodo


In this neighborhood kids run wild because parents work longer than school hours plus have long commute times.  My daughter would love to stay home like I did, but for some reason this nation can no longer afford stay at home mothers. Well, we used to be able too, so have we really made progress or only got ourselves enslaved to our jobs.   Daddy Dinosaur


Corporations support globalization mainly because it lets them make stuff overseas where it's cheap and then bring it here without import duties.  They also use the need to compete overseas as an excuse to not make things better for their workers here. We need to stand together and oppose globalization. I'm for the demonstrators at IMF meetings and may become one myself, if I can ever get enough time off work. Sam from San Diego